Couve Chiropractic welcomes people from all walks and seasons of life. Whether you’re an athlete looking to speed up recovery time, a mama-to-be desiring a comfortable pregnancy, a babe just welcomed into the world, an adult dealing with post-accident issues, or anyone in between, we provide safe, effective care for individuals and families.
Your treatments at Couve Chiropractic are a blend of manual and low force adjustments, soft tissue mobilization, craniosacral therapy, rehabilitative exercise, mind-body techniques, and nutrition and lifestyle coaching. The chiropractic experience we offer is set apart by not only our knowledge and expertise, but through connection, personal attention, and individualized care during each visit.
We welcome you and your loved ones to Couve Chiropractic!

Low back + pelvic pain
Neck + rib tension
Tingling + numbness
Instability of the neck/ low back
Headaches + migraines
Muscle tightness
Chronic stress + fatigue
Colic, reflux, tongue tie, torticollis
Infant + child wellness check-ups
Lactation support
Discomfort during pregnancy
Postpartum recovery
Flexibility + mobility issues
Hip, knee + shoulder pain
Carpal tunnel syndrome

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